International Responders is made up of crack teams of first responders from Miamia to Seattle Washington experienced in rapid deployment to be first on the ground to assist the injured and wounded in times of disasters.


International Responders is very concerned for the welfare of survivors in the 8.8 earthquake in Chile.  The closing of the Countrys main airport to ALL fligts including seasrch and rescue was unfortunate but indicitive of the usual response National Governments have in wanting to "control the situation".   Unfortunately critical time is lost when Governments take such actions.  In the case of an earthquake the first 72 hours is absolutely critical.  As every hour goes by the survival rate diminishes for the poor souls traped and still alive amongst the ruble.

Chile could have 20,000 outside search and rescue descend on the country and still not have enough to search every downed housing building.  With the earthquake taking place in the early hours of the morning it is fair to expect that all collapsed housing unless proven otherwise has either trapped or deceased persons.

Search and Rescue is time dependant.   Time is the biggest enemeny of fighting for the rescue of survivors.   Once again we wittness the inability of Governments and existing agencys to act in the scope and manner that a devastating earthquake of this nature calls for.

International Responders is assessing its capability in responding but given the timing coming during depployment of resources in Haiti it is problematic to swing into action to provide search and rescue in Chile.  What we can do however is learn once again of the mistakes made and prepare policies for the future to ensure that the maximum effort is made in all future emergencies to save life.

We will keep everyone posted.

Any questions call International Director - Colin Hendrick  +1.305.607.3910


(Picture bellow is of a school in Leogane, Haiti.  The whole school of 1,200 children was completely destroyed. This building was 2 stories high) 


To Become A Volunteer Please fill out form bellow and one of our Volunteer Directors will be intouch with you:

Please note that volunteers must be physically fit with no medical condition that would be problematic in remote locations.  Be prepared to sleep outside in a sleeping bag and live of rations during a tour of duty.  All volunteers must be available for deployment in time of a Disaster within 3 hours of notification.

Volunteers must have at least one of the following skills:

1. Search & Rescue experience

2. Paramedic

3. Doctor - must be prepared to operate in outside field conditions

4. Nurse - ER capable

5. Military / Police trained First Responders

6. In Field Communications and Logistics

7. Pilot and or Aircraft owner operator

8. Administrative and suport

In time of an emergency deployment volunteers must be prepared to deploy with their own kit including, sleeping bag, small tent, rations for 2 weeks and limited clothing along with portable tools to perform Search & Rescue and Emergency Medical procedures.